What is MS Word

1-What is MS World?
M, S, the world is a software used to English or Urdu is written and published.MS World 'proper editing can also be written in English.  For example, Heath's character, characters, etc. The size and color can be changed easily. If so write books that can be written in MS asayny things in the world are written in the book world in the MS can be easily set .

2-What is a Cover Page and how is it used?
Home page is the cover page of the book.  Each book is made up of a page of the book contains some information etc.. Example, the topic of this book has been written on this book and the name of the company that published it And name of the person who set it It was published the year the flower .
 MS; World., I already have a cover page design by,According change we can make your subject.
MS, World I have to get cover page cover page option Insert the option of clicking on the cover page  Click on the cover page of the layout of one of hsh can also select the file.


3-What is the Billing Page? And use it?

MS, multiple pages in the World between the file between the two pages you want to write something, Between them will add a blank page it says Blank Page.
The blank page is included in the file?
The idea is that you place or blank page between two pages'd like to add, if there puantr Return to start
Insert the blank page option and click options between these two pages will be added to a blank page blank page that says.

4-Page breaks what happens? And what's the benefit?

Page break Page break is meant in MS World file a tax write one page and then a certain portion of the tax break from We would like to take dusy page using Page break option and can easily be taken to another page tax..

5-How to use MS World since the table is? And what's the benefit?

            MS World, to be distributed in different parts of the page or file to a limited extent if formula is used for table,    In the Insert Table option with which you can use as a table, and select the option to the drawing table and make the table, Puantr dyzayn and layout of the table will become two options with the help of the table with dzayn line And its color and its thickness and roundness control,With the layout option number two position and text cell and formula use..

6-The MS World, the file picture can adjust in?

If your MS World, a part of the file in the Insert picture option if you want take picture s are used.   picture set up further away from the format option is used to set the text and image together so addictive forgetfulness of tax rpyng is used.Click this option if you open the window where he would spend way is to add the image becomes part of the image file.

for seo contict me


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