MS Word, how are the settings and Customizations

MS Word, how are the settings and Customizations ?



What is the object?

In a normal software and other software not open the file.MS Word, flowers, books, etc., etc., are written in the book there are different designs.For this reason the MS, Word, establish the work huy computer tuansrt want to jump into another object option software is used to open the window select the software which will take data from    Thus, we can merge any file of software  .


2-text box

What is a text box? And its use ?

MS, Word, working on some parts of the page.Can be written as normal text, such marjnz 'table' Chart 'smart art, etc..Insert text here write any text box option is used, the same text box you can enter the draw.


3-drop cap

What is the drop cap?.

To highlight a new topic page since its first letter of the word is capitalized.Insert this work have the option of using a drop cap first word of the paragraph will be a common sight words highlighted.



MS, Word, what is the equation?

Upper and lower line type the text formula has to write.No one normal can be written as Equation apsb in this work is used to bring,Remains in the layout, one-click-click as needed to support the Aero can write data.While there are some signs in to the keyboard can not write,The symbol is in the option where anyone  Click to Call Page can be


5-Page layout

Who are the Te page layout?

Make up any file you wish to take out the first page that the paper print layout option will set the size of the paper, margins,  Check the course with the help of his Sitting and saves the printed and paper.


What is a column?
The text written on the page right margin of the elevator till it be known that paragraph,  Right margin of the text before going to a certain part on the other line moves column says it will do .MS, Word, took to the column column column option is used more.Create a custom layout, but sytyng here to take a look at option two.


What is watremark? Each has its advantage?

The word file created in any image or text on each page hit shows like Beck,If the option is used watremark. Need this option custom watremark by clicking on the image or text page can see.


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